Go and make
Working to share the Gospel, disciple those who respond, and plant new churches. Will you join us?
The Mission
“How can they believe if they have never heard?”
Of the 23 million people living in Taiwan, less than 4% identify as born again Christians and of those, 30% are first generation Christians.
In Taichung, there are 3 million people and only 252 evangelical churches while there are tens of thousands of Buddhist, Taoist and other types of temples. On any given Sunday in this city of 2.8 million there are less than 20,000 people in church.
Our mission is to spread the Gospel through personal relationships, planting new churches and through love and service.

Church Planting
In partnership with Taichung International Fellowship, we have a goal to start five new Taiwanese churches over the next five years.
Personal Evangelism
We actively share the Gospel everywhere God allows us access. University Campuses, International Communities, etc.
University Outreach
We hold Campus Bible Studies and Community Service events which allow people who are far from God to come near to hear the Gospel
Mission Internships
Young people looking for mission experience can come and have a long or short term program of real world missions. Apply Here!
Who We Are
A family on a mission to share Christ’s love
Mission Taiwan is an Amarillo, Texas Based 501c3 started by Trinity Baptist Church in Amarillo to support the church’s ongoing mission work in Taiwan. The Blackhursts are church appointed missionaries sent by TBC and supported by a network of churches and individuals who pray for, send teams and financially support this mission.

Mission Taiwan Newsletter
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Get Involved
Be a part of sharing the Gospel in Taiwan
Join our team of partners who pray specifically for the people God brings into contact with the Gospel. Text the word TAIWAN to 84576
God uses all of us to accomplish His missionary work. Individuals, churches and organizations can all be part of the work of the Gospel.
Come and serve in Taichung! Short Term Mission Teams create tremendous impact.
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