Our Story

While working at Trinity Baptist Church in Amarillo, Texas, Todd began leading short term mission teams to Taiwan in 2005. Each year God deepened their footprint and grew Todd's heart for the Taiwanese people. Crista was happy to stay home and take care of their young family, but after some convincing finally came to Taiwan in 2011 and also experienced the great need for the Gospel. Then in 2012, another missionary in Taiwan challenged Todd to consider moving to Taiwan to serve full time.
It was obvious to Todd & Crista, this was what God wanted them to do for this season of their lives. So in 2013, they boarded a plane with their children and a bunch of luggage and moved their family to Taichung.
It hasn't been without difficulty or hardship, but it has been worth it.

The Blackhurst Family Journey
Since moving to Taiwan in June 2013, Todd has become fairly fluent in Mandarin Chinese (two+ years of full time language study) and is now able to carry out ministry in both English and Chinese. Mandarin is ranked one of the most difficult languages in the world for native English speakers to learn.
Started Taichung International Fellowship as an outreach for Taiwanese and to serve expatriates living in Taiwan. TIF is now one of the largest international churches in Taiwan.
Started Outreach Bible studies on five university campuses and hosted over 40 mission teams from different churches and ministries.
Students are coming to faith regularly, being discipled and becoming involved in local churches.
Started a mission internship for young people to come and experience missions.
Planted Hope Fellowship, our first Taiwanese church.

Walking by faith
Todd and Crista have been married since 1994. They met at the University of Mary-Hardin Baylor in Belton, Texas from which they both graduated. After they married, Todd worked at UMHB and Crista started teaching school. Todd had experienced a call to ministry in high school but didn’t know exactly how that would play out, thankfully God had been working through a series of Godly men in his life to disciple and prepare him for what was in store.

Mission Taiwan
Mission Taiwan is an Amarillo, Texas Based 501c3 started by Trinity Baptist Church in Amarillo to support the church’s ongoing mission work in Taiwan. The Scoggins are church appointed missionaries sent by their home church, a network of other churches and other individuals who regularly pray and give toward their mission work.

The Mission Taiwan 501c3 is funded by contributions from a network of 14 churches and over 150 individual donors.
- Trinity Baptist Church, Amarillo, Texas
- Central Baptist Church, Clovis, New Mexico
- Central Baptist Church, Round Rock, Texas
- Redeemer Church, Amarillo, Texas
- First Presbyterian Church, Amarillo, Texas
- First Baptist Church, Temple, Texas
- Southcliff Church, Fort Worth, Texas
- Hope Fellowship, Maple Valley, Washington
- First Baptist Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma
- New Hope Fellowship, Tarrytown, New York
- Fremont Evangelical Free Church, Fremont, Nebraska
- First Baptist Church, Canyon, Texas
- First Baptist Church, Belton, Texas
- Lake Tanglewood Community Church, Amarillo, Texas

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